Community Support
Imberhorne School are proud of our fundraising efforts. Form Groups are encouraged to have their own Form Group Charity and organise at least one event per academic year to raise awareness and funds for them. In addition to this our Community Partnerships Team look for ways to connect the school to the local community with projects linked to local organisations which have included; West Sussex Family Services, Young Epilepsy at St Pier's School and local care homes to name a few.
Non Uniform Days:
Charitable fundraising is a regular activity for our students and staff across our five non-uniform days scheduled during the school year. Each one supporting a charity chosen by our Student Council. Our students are invited to wear non-uniform on these days in return for a suggested voluntary donation of £2.00 via ParentPay.
Our focus for 2024-25 is 'Meningitis Now' where we have raised £2745 since 1st Sep 2024!
22nd September - Tanzania Primary School Build £1618
8th December - Christmas Jumper Day for QVHospital £1358
15th March - Jigsaw £2350
Connor Foundation £1892
23rd September - Red Cross for Ukraine - £1600
18th November - Children in Need - £2800
9th December - Queen Victoria Hospital - National Elf Service - £920
20th January - Cancer Research UK - £1800
2021 - 2022:
24th September - Cancer Research £2058
19th November - Children in Need £1576
10th December - Queen Victoria Hospital - National Elf Service £1338
21st January - RSPCA £1670.11
18th March - RND £2228 & Ukrainian Appeal £3419
29th April - Young Epilepsy - £1691
18th September - Show Racism the Red Card £1985
13th November - Children In Need £2218
11th December - Queen Victoria Hospital - National Elf Service £1161
19th March - Comic Relief £2245
30th April - Pancreatic Cancer £2176
11th June - WaterAid £1307