Wizard of Oz - Whole School Musical

The 2015 whole school musical promised to be one of the highlights of our school year and it didn’t disappoint at all. A culmination of many months of hard work by a whole variety of people from our school community meant that we were treated to a spectacular performance that will live in our memories for a long time. The talent and commitment from our students was inspirational and of course we can’t forget  the enthusiasm of the young Finn Devery who played the adorable role of Toto. Finn is the son of ex Imberhorne Drama teacher, Mrs A Devery who also provided an enormous amount of help and support for the production.

The quirky songs, the talented pit band, the fabulous costumes, the comedy timing of the scarecrow, tin man and lion, the dramatic presence of the wicked witch, and the fun and energy from the munchkins - it was all there……..and more!  Mr Watson, Production Manager and Leader of Drama at Imberhorne, thanked the cast and crew for making the project such a joy  from beginning to end.

Lucy Stone, student journalist for 'Imberhorne News Network' wrote, "The Wizard of Oz performance was phenomenal, and if I could use a word stronger here, I would. The actors were extremely professional – so much so that, at times, I forgot that they were students from our school. They expressed their characters as if they were actually them, and they were believable, to the fullest of extents. I got lost in the performance, thinking that I was there with Dorothy and Toto.  The pit band produced music that created the perfect atmosphere for each scene, with the music becoming sharp at the time of the hurricane, and softer when meeting the Munchkins. Indeed, everyone who performed in the show, whether they were in the band or in the cast, made the audience feel something special. That is an accomplishment in itself. So well done to all of those involved – you did an amazing job!"


Well done  to all the students, staff and parents. It was an absolute triumph!