Meet the Leadership Team

Mrs D Clements

Business Manager

With a professional career in Local Government, spanning leadership roles across services for Children, Families and Learning, I am proud to have joined the leadership team at Imberhorne in December 2021. I have over 30 years’ experience of delivering high quality business management in a range of organisations and I am excited about the challenges that the School Business Manager role offers.  I am committed to meeting the needs of both the school and parent community and making the business functions as effective as they can be for all.

In a very busy role, achieving a work life balance can be a significant challenge! I am a strong advocate for the mental and physical benefits of being active. Outside of work I enjoy regular exercise, including swimming, walking and classes at the local leisure centre. More leisurely pursuits include a passion for reading and a love of cooking.

Imberhorne have an amazing team of dedicated teachers and support staff. Everyone is united in a tangible commitment to enabling students to be the very best that they can be. It is a privilege to be a part of this journey, and as a leader, to contribute to the achievement of outcomes within the school.   

dclements [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk
