Imberhorne Masterchefs
Post date:
Thursday 9th February 2023 - 15:41
Our amazing Year 10 Rotary Masterchefs, Chloe and Isabel, took part in the second round of the Rotary cooking competition on 4th February. Round two was held at Merton Catering College in Morden and the girls were up against 8 other competitors. Chloe and Isabel cooked three dishes in two hours and presented them to professional Chefs who were there to judge. The young chefs were jusged not only on taste but presentation and table setting, along with timings and costings. They had to wash up and clear everything away after too!
Both girls did extremely well and worked very hard, we are so proud of what they have achieved and can't wait to taste the menu they have produced especially for the Year 10 Charity Quiz on 30th March.